Hey there, and thanks for visiting.
What is this? Frankly, I've never felt much interest in doing a blog. So why now? In my trawls around the web, I've found a dearth of review/criticism sites dedicated to horror fiction. There are more than you can shake a stick at for movies, and even more than a few for video games, but the pickings for litcrit are slim indeed. The few I have found are either abandoned for years and irrelevant, or so fanboyish they'd make Comic Book Guy blush. I think there's a place for intelligent review and discussion of literary horror, so I decided to do it myself.
Who am I? I'm Steven, and I'm a lifelong horror fanatic. My interest in horror films (and film in general, sad to say) has waned tremendously in recent years, but my love for horror fiction has remained strong and in fact has only grown. I want to help people avoid the many copycats and stealth "paranormal romances" that plague our genre; to separate the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. Needless to say, my opinions are my own, and taste is highly subjective. You may disagree with me, and you're certainly welcome to do so. Leave comments if you want to debate! I want to see a forum for mature and thoughtful discussions (this means more than just, "Your opinion sucks and you suck for having it!")
A little more about me: I work in inventory control for a veterinary supply company, which is an unspeakably boring position than leaves me no small amount of time for exercising the old headmeat. My favorite authors are H.P. Lovecraft, Thomas Ligotti and Caitlin R. Kiernan.
Please note that any images I use are for the purposes of review only, and I believe that such images fall under fair use in copyright law. I obtain no monetary benefit whatsoever from their use. If you are the copyright holder of any images contained herein and object to their use in this manner, please contact me and they will be promptly removed.
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